Still here, still writing, but a dad now, too.

me n H

I don’t expect that this site gets much traffic, but if you have happened upon it after reading one of my stories I wanted to make sure there is some sort of recent update here. Since Harrison was born my writing output has slowed, though not stalled. I’m still finishing work, but it is at a pace that is unlikely to fill this page up with frequent ‘I sold a story!’ updates. I have two stories out there now that have been receiving very favorable rejections that I hope will find the right homes eventually, so if that happens I’ll be sure to update. I’ve got to say, though, that this little guy is the best excuse to lose writing time I’ve ever had. He’s an absolute joy and the greatest thing in my life. I’m settling into a parenthood-writing routine, which is challenging considering all the sheer exhaustion being a dad has brought to my life. He’s brought so much more as well, things I can’t find the right words for, and if I ever happen to find them they’ll make the greatest story I’ve ever told.

Another quick update:


Harrison is four months old now, so here’s a new photo!

Still nothing to report when it comes to fiction. I did get one rewrite request, which is promising! We’ll see if it turns into an acceptance. Otherwise, life is very different with the baby. Still working out ways to fit writing in when I can. I know for sure it won’t be as often as it used to be, but I’ve been experimenting with writing from 6am until 7am, before the baby gets up. So far so good!

A Quick Update

Nothing to report on the story front besides a healthy amount of rejections…

But on the personal front: Our little guy, Harrison Tyler Cone, was born on June 18th. The last several months have been busy with preparing for his arrival, and now that he’s here, I couldn’t be happier!



OUT NOW! Shrieks and Shivers from the Horror Zine!

Shrieks and Shivers!


I am very excited to see that Shrieks and Shivers from the Horror Zine’s paperback edition is out 3 days early! The Kindle edition will be out on the 6th, as well.

“The Horror Zine is the true home of today’s visceral, organic horror, and the stories in SHRIEKS AND SHIVERS reflect the courage and imagination with which Jeani Rector has sustained this genre for the past six years. Be prepared to encounter the grue in gruesome, not only brought to you by some very experienced butchers but by some fearless and inspired new dabblers in blood, entrails and other things too horrifying to mention.” – Graham Masterton

How’s that for a blurb? I am still in shock that one of my stories is included in the utterly fantastic line-up of authors in this anthology (Bentley Little, William F. Nolan, Tom Piccirilli, Elizabeth Massie, Tim Waggoner and Lisa Morton to only name a few!), and I hope you’ll pick up a copy and check it out.

There is also a limited edition hardback available through the Post Mortem Press website.

The release of this book marks the beginning of what I hope will be a great 2015.


Creepy Freebies 2014 – Black Pageant

Creepy Freebies are upon us, and I’m celebrating by releasing a mini-collection! Black Pageant: stories” is out today! Available on Smashwords and Amazon

Get it FREE until Nov. 1st 2014 on Smashwords with coupon code: KM25T


I’ve bundled six of my stories into a mini-collection called “Black Pageant”, and from today until November 1st you can download the .mobi or .epub for FREE with the coupon code KM25T on Smashwords.

Table of Contents:

Compassion, During and After the Fall
Autumn in the Woods
The Black Pageant
The Sound of Rain
Resetting Alexandra
The Things That Came Up

That absolutely amazing cover was designed by my talented wife, Nathalie Cone.

The book is available for Kindle on Amazon as well. The free coupon only applies on Smashwords though!

I hope you enjoy the collection, and be sure to check out all the other Creepy Freebie stories, books and giveaways! Take a look around the other author sites listed below.

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